By: PawWire
Mar 10, 2025 06:19 PM

What was the inspiration behind The dooloop?

Angie and Bella, two traumatized, reactive basset fosters, who we ended up keeping. Their refusal to walk without each other, and desperation to try and run away the entire walk, tangling me with their leashes in the process as I juggled bags of dog poop led to the invention of the dooloop. 

How does your brand differ from other industry brands in the same category? What gives you the competitive edge?

My brand is more than a business, it's a mission statement. The goal is to help people literally and figuratively let go of shit, and do so sustainably and ethically. 

Describe the ingredients you look for in the products you use.

The dooloop is materials are designed to be sustainable and minimal - both product and packaging. 

"Many countries do not have to have rescues and so many wonderful animals are killed due to overpopulation. Some animals have it better than many children, others get nothing. We can and must do better. "

Walk us through your development process — from ideation to the product we see on the shelf.

Immediate desperation walking our new 'fosters' led to ideation in the wee hours of the morning of what I needed for my sanity, then shopping online and in-person. Yes, I found nothing easy enough to be useful. Trip to local hardware store to 'shop' for inspiration (potato masher), created mock ups I could use in my kitchen with craft plastic. After using my handmade 'dooloop' for awhile, realized that it might not be a one off 'good thing' for just me, honestly, who wants to walk holding a bag of poop in any other situation? I contacted local industrial designer who turned it into a reproducible design. Local plastic molder....

What are some things you take into consideration during the creation of new products?

Can I make them in a way that I am proud of? Pay people fairly, locally? Will the product add value to people's lives? 

Other than The dooloop, what is something you are passionate about?

"The future, that everyone has the right to be their best and authentic self with full bodily autonomy. Live and let live, love is love, be kind because after all: ""There is room for everyone on the nice list"" (Buddy the Elf) 

And without a habitable planet to play on, all our differences don't matter - it's not rocket science, it's common sense. "

What is one major lesson you learned about running a business?

There is more to it than you could ever imagine. 

What are some challenges you have overcome with The dooloop?

Beta material that was oversold, under-studied, and caused a huge set back early on. Compostable plastic was the first dooloop material and it degraded quickly, which wasn't what it was supposed to do. I had to recall, replace and start over, and the plastic manufacturer did nothing to help mitigate their product's failure. As a new, self funding small business it was devastating, and caused damage to the brand. 

What would you say is your most effective marketing channel?

The internet, social media wherever it gets seen, but getting seen isn't easy. The 'big boys' know how to use it and pay to play, we small fries are dependent on serendipity. 

"There is more to it than you could ever imagine. "

Give us the backstory of your brand’s name.

If you turn 'dooloop' upside down, it still says 'dooloop'. It's a loop, it was either poop loop or doo loop and the upside down word-fun clenched it! 

What would you like to see for The dooloop's future?

I'd like to see a big pie spun off from dog poo, imagine! In my mind's eye, customer's get a useful, well designed product for <$10, that is made in the US sustainably (materials), people (often non-traditional workers) can make fair-wage money doing assembly, stores make a fair margin, and hypothetically I make money too. 

What do you think is the most prominent concern in the pet industry?

Sustainability and ethical implications across the board, and please, please, please, spaying and neutering should be a cultural standard. Many countries do not have to have rescues and so many wonderful animals are killed due to overpopulation. Some animals have it better than many children, others get nothing. We can and must do better.