Brand Spotlight

By: PawWire
Aug 23, 2024 08:21 PM

What was the inspiration behind Dog Is Good?

At the time of the brands conception, I was training professionally full time as a dog trainer.  I saw a t-shirt that said “I love my….( fill in the blank with your breed)" and I felt just saying "I love my…." was not enough.  I wanted something more profound and also something that showcased that my dogs were an integral part of my everyday life and favorite activities.  Additionally, I wanted something fun and cute to wear.  We simply wanted to highlight and celebrate the essence of the dog-human bond and create something that focused deeper on the positive impact each has on the other. 

How does your brand differ from other industry brands in the same category? What gives you the competitive edge?

Dog is Good is very different from other brands in that we focus on how the relationship shapes who we are and how we live our lives.  We understand that the connection to dogs goes deep beneath surface level and our messaging speaks to who the individual is and how they live their lives on a daily basis. Additionally the brand fosters conversation and community around inspiration, philanthropy, and lifestyle activities. 


Walk us through your development process — from ideation to the product we see on the shelf.

Everything created evolved from how we “live a life inspired by Dog”. We look at our own experiences and those of our fans. We focus on how our experiences are elevated by sharing them with our dogs. We want to highlight the meaning dogs bring to our lives and create messaging that generates real human to human conversation.  Once an idea is brought to the table, the team expands on it through conversation and an ideation process.  Then, a design brief is created for the designers to take action.  We go back and forth and get focus group feedback before finalizing a particular design. It is then determined what product categories will be utilized and the design goes into production. 


"We simply wanted to highlight and celebrate the essence of the dog-human bond and create something that focused deeper on the positive impact each has on the other. "


What are some things you take into consideration during the creation of new products?

Is the design and messaging relevant? Would pet parents benefit from this product for their pet and would the products resonate with dog moms and dads?


Other than Dog Is Good, what is something you are passionate about?

I am deeply passionate about personal development, fitness, education, and helping others fetch their own dreams specifically through Dog is Good initiatives like the Pop-Up Shop program and The BOLO Project.


What is one major lesson you learned about running a business?

Mindset is 80%, strategy is 20% and if you want to be a leader, you need to become a leader worth following.


What are some challenges you have overcome with Dog Is Good?

We produce something no one wakes up at 2am worried about.  No one wakes us thinking they MUST go get a tee shirt, hat, etc.  We have had to overcome logical buying patterns and engage customers on an emotional level.  People make simple purchases with emotion and we have mastered engaging the dog lover around their emotion and love for their dogs.  We speak to who they are as dog lovers.  From a logistical standpoint, we have had to overcome shifts in retail post covid and supply chain challenges during that time period as well.  My philosophy is that everything gets to be easy and everything always works out.


What would you say is your most effective marketing channel?

Always changing, we utilize a variety of sales channels to stay relevant. 


"We believe there is goodness around us always.  Dogs seem to remind us of that every single day."


Give us the backstory of your brand’s name.

Jon, my husband and business partner, actually came up with the name.  He said it outloud and I liked the way it sounded.  Dog is God spelled backwards. We believe there is goodness around us always.  Dogs seem to remind us of that every single day. 


What would you like to see for Dog Is Good's future?

We focus on the brand as a lifestyle and seek to offer products, services, and experiences.  We seek to continue to grow the brand through licensing and are bringing some very innovative and relevant products to the market place in partnership with our licensees.  We continue to help dog lovers build side-hustle businesses through our brand ( Dog is Good Pop-Ups) and seek to have legacy impact through our Non-Profit:  The BOLO Project, a dog-centric program which is empowering teens to become confident, empowered, future leaders of impact. 


What do you think is the most prominent concern in the pet industry?

I think the most prominent concern in the pet industry is the health and longevity of our pets.  People seek ways to create an extraordinary life for their beloved pets. We also know science has shown the positive impact pets have on the quality of human life as well. This is the component we choose to focus on as the dog-human bond  truly is an eco-system for health and well-being